
Get a behind the scenes view of how we build Oso, an authorization service.

Our Unusual Journey to ECS on EC2

Shaun Verch

Building a resilient and low-latency service using Kafka and SQLite

Mike Cen

A Logic Language for Distributed SQL Queries

Sam Scott

Is Polar Turing-Complete (and why I hope not)?

Vijay Ramamurthy

What we can learn from The Great British Bake Off

Mike Cen

Y(e)arning for a Challenge

Jordan Killpack

Why I don’t play Pokemon

Vijay Ramamurthy

Pivoting from Marketing to Authorization

Jesse Lax

How I Implemented Type Inference for Request Validation

Vijay Ramamurthy

Oso Summer 2022 Hackathon

Using Rust, SQLx and Rocket in Oso Cloud

Steve Olsen

Oso Winter Hackathon

How we built a VS Code extension with Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript

Gabe Jackson

How We Turn Authorization Logic Into SQL

Gwen Whelan

How We Built a Cross-Platform Library with Rust

Steve Olsen

Oso Community Hackathon

Introduction to Rules in Polar

Anne Ogborn

Polar - A Configuration Language for Authorization

Anne Ogborn

Tea with Sam: Build Google Zanzibar in <60 minutes

Twitch Stream: Developing Oso's Roles Building Blocks

Tea with Sam: How We Build Roles Building Blocks

Twitch Stream: Data Filtering in Oso using Partial Evaluation

Tea with Sam: Data Filtering in Oso using Partial Evaluation

Twitch Stream: Building the Oso Go Library

Tea with Sam: Building the Oso Go integration

Advent of Code in Polar

Steve Olsen

Building a runtime reflection system for Rust 🦀️ (Part 3)

Sam Scott

Demo: 🦀️ Building a runtime reflection system for Rust

Polar, a Configuration Policy Language

Building a runtime reflection system for Rust 🦀️ (Part 2)

Sam Scott

Rust Reflection: Building a Runtime Reflection System (Part 1)

Sam Scott

Lightning Talk at Rust NYC on Oso Internals

Anatomy of a Rule

Alex Plotnick

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Anatomy of a Rule

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