A bear playing hopscotch

Oso Bear of the Month - Peadar Coyle

Peadar Coyle, Founder at AudioStack

Oso Bear of the Month is a series of interviews with developers in our community to connect and learn more about their authorization journey. For this months feature, we sat down with Peadar Coyle, Founder at AudioStack.

What is your authorization story? Share a bit on how you used Oso to solve for it.

We're a GenAI company providing audio tooling and infrastructure for advertisers and publishers. We had an existing authorization framework (homebuilt) that was getting unwieldy, and with the mission critical data and concerns over AI it was becoming a reputational risk not to mention the technical debt of maintaining it.

We were looking for a flexible but robust system for implementing a hybrid RBAC model to protect our customer data and provide flexibility for adding new types of roles.

The TLDR is:

  • Permissions are critical for Generative AI companies to safeguard intellectual property of their customers and other design contributors.
  • As your company grows, evolving your architecture means outsourcing some of your infrastructure.
  • Your authorization service should be flexible and make it easier for your team to adjust rules or roles as your application evolves.
  • Auditing, testing and debugging is key to managing authorization and ensuring your models do the job.
  • Authorization modeling, the rules of who can do what, should be intentional, but as mentioned, they can evolve over time and there are paradigms that can help!

What is one recommendation you would offer to someone doing authorization for the first time?

Understand the authorization modelling process and strive for simplicity.

Since using Oso, what's a new thing you have been able to accomplish?

It was easy to add in new rules and cover different use cases, and we were able to easily debug issues.

How do you think you have most benefited by using Oso?

Robustness and speed of iteration.

Anything additional you want to share about Oso, authorization, your experience?

The support by the Oso team was excellent.

If you had a magic wand, what is one thing you would add or change in Oso?

I think the polar language is a bit too tricky to learn - it would be easier if you could write more in your native programming language.

Thank you so much!

If you enjoyed this interview we encourage you to share it, tag @osohq. We'd also love to hear from you on how your authorization journey is going, join us and thousands of developers on slack!

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